So I mentioned at the end of my review that I might make you guys a map for Hyrule Warriors. It’s pretty much the same as the original Zelda’s map, but without the same baddies. I sadly have a day job that competes with my gameplaying duties (I have to pay the bills somehow!), so it’s not complete, but I do have enough information that should really help you guys get started.
This guide is only for the more unique rewards, like character and general weapon unlocks, not skulltulas (check here for that!) or heart containers. To note, search in this guide means you use the “X” button on the over world map to interact with the square mentioned in the guide. Special thanks to Swithe for the location of many of the rank 2 and 3 weapon locations. I’d also like to thank Citizen Napoleon for her videos which made some of this work easier on me! Finally, this guide may be used on GameFAQs by Denngar as part of a walk-through (if that happens, I’ll link the walk-through). I’ll try to update this guide as I find more or others contact me. For those curious about other characters, they can be unlocked through the game’s Legend Mode.
A2- Zelda’s Rank 3 Baton. Requires search and rank A.
A4- Agitha’s Rank 3 Parasol. Requires search and rank A.
A9- Zelda’s Rank 3 Rapier. Requires search and rank A.
A11- Lana’s Rank 3 Book. Requires search and rank A.
A14- Darunia’s Rank 3 Hammer. Requires search and rank A.
A16- Lana’s Rank 3 Gate Summoning. Requires search and rank A.
B1- Link’s Rank 3 Great Fairy. Requires search and rank A.
B3- Zant’s Rank 3 Scimitar. Requires search and rank A.
B4- Lana’s Rank 2 Gate Summoning. Requires search and rank A..
B7- Link’s Rank 2 Great Fairy. Do not follow an original Zelda map for this square! Search the area but instead bomb the area marked in blue below. Then beat the mission with an A rank.
B8- Ganondorf’s Rank 3 Swords. Use the “search” option on the overworld and use digging mitts on the obvious “X” on the ground. Then use a harp on the butterflies to reveal the enemy. Requires rank A.
B9- Ghirahim’s Rank 3 Sword. Requires search and rank A.
B15- Shiek’s Rank 3 Harp. Requires search and rank A.
C1- Impa’s Rank 3 Sword. Requires search and rank A.
C2- Link’s Rank 3 Sword. If you’re tired of 8-Bit swords, this is one weapon to aim for. Use the “search” option on the overworld. There are four columns of graves. The second column starting from the right hand side has a middle grave that can be moved with a power bracelet. Do that and beat the level with an A rank.
C3- Unlock Zant (Character). Use the “search” option on the overworld. Use a digging glove on the “X” on the ground. Then beat the level as you normally would.
C9- Midna’s Rank 2 Shackles. Search the overworld. Use a candle on the bottom green tree on the right hand column (the one with only two trees), then beat the level with an A rank.
C13- Darunia’s Rank 2 Hammer. Search the overworld and use use a bomb at the “A” on the map:
You must get an A rank to earn the reward.
c16- Unlock Summoning Gate- weapon for Lana. You need to use a raft on the docks on D16 to get here, then earn an A Rank on it to access C16. D16 can be a bit tricky. I suggest starting with the east side, Gohma, and move clockwise. For those who have trouble with the Imprisoned, use a character that has an AoE attack for their special. Use it to clear all the toes at once, but don’t use it right when he stands up. Sometimes, he’ll use a red lightning move that makes him invulnerable, so wait a bit before activating the special between his feet.
Once you get to C16, search the overworld and use digging mitts to search for the secret, then complete the mission with any rank. Thanks Speedy223 for the location!
D1- Zant’s Rank 2 Scimitar. Requires search and rank A. (Note: I think you can use a water arrow on that circle of fire to uncover the secret but I haven’t tried yet)
D5- Ghirahim’s Rank 2 Sword. Requires search and rank A.
D7- Unlock Agitha (Character). You’ll need to search the area then choose to throw a water bomb card at the rock off the shore. Then beat the level as normal.
D15- Impa’s Rank 3 Naginata. Search the overworld and use a water bomb on the rock in the river, then beat the level and an A rank.
E1- Agitha’s Rank 2 Parasol- Use digging mits on the obvious “X” on the ground, then beat the level with an A rank.
E7- Link’s Rank 2 Magic Rod. Search the overworld and use a candle on the topleft most tree (the corner one closest to the water), then beat the level with an A ranking.
E9- Silver Gauntlets- weapon for Link. There’s an “I” shaped set of trees here. On the left side of that “I” on the top left tree where the vertical column meets the horizontal row, use a candle (or use a compass to see what I’m talking about). That will reveal a staircase, which unlocks the reward.
E10- Unlock Princess Ruto (Character). You’ll need the Power Bracelet card (one can be found at D10), search the area, lift the rock, then complete the mission at E10 the mission.
E12- Baton- weapon for Zelda. On the overworld, use a candle on the tree with the red square around it:
Then beat the level as normal.
E15- Ruto’s Rank 2 Scale. Requires search and rank A.
F2- Link’s Rank 3 Magic Rod. Requires search and rank A. (Note: I think you use a candle on the tree that’s where the staircase is from the picture below)
F5- Fi’s Rank 2 Sword. Use a water bomb on the rock in the pond, then complete the level with an A rank.
F7- Lana’s Rank 2 Spear. Search the overworld and use a bomb on the area highlighted below, then beat the level with an A ranking.
F12- Link’s Rank 2 Gauntlets. First, yes, I know the icon looks like a rod. It’s the ball with chain, just trust me. Search the overworld and use a candle on the tree marked below, then complete the mission with an A rank.
F15- Ganondorf’s Rank 2 Swords. Search the overworld and use an ice arrow on the ring of fire, then complete the mission with an A ranking.
F16- Ruto’s Rank 3 Scale. Requires search and rank A.
G3- Unlock Ghirahim (Character). Use the “search” option on the overworld. There is a long column of trees going from the top to the bottom of the screen. Use a candle on the first single tree below where the column starts to become pairs of trees. Then just complete the level.
G9- Naginata weapon for Impa. Just clear the level.
G11- Impa’s Rank 2 Naginata. Search the area. There are 2 trees standing alone. Burn the lower one with a candle and beat the level with an A rank.
G14- Link’s Rank 3 Gauntlets. It’s the chain-chomp! Search the overworld and use a candled on the tree where the picture below shows a staircase. Then use a harp on the butterflies. Requires search and rank A. I suggest taking out the Poes first whenever possible. Use your specials when they’re clumped together. The dragon’s not too hard to kill, but Zelda’s dodgy enough that I use my magic on her so the fight’s over within seconds, so I can go from her, to the rally Poe that appears, to Argorok real quick. For me, the problem was dodging all the Poes, not time, so focus more on clearing the Poes if you find yourself in the same situation.
H1- Great Fairy weapon (practically a new character) for Link. It’s a bit rough just getting to this square from H2, so try this video. Once you’ve gotten to H1, use an ice arrow on the ring of fire and complete the mission.
H2- Zelda’s Rank 2 Baton. Use the “search” option on the overworld. Use a bomb on the “H” area from the picture below. Then use a harp on the blue butterflies to reveal the enemies. Then beat the level with an A rank. See the above video for help.
In addition, I find that having Zelda’s Rank 2 Digging Mitts, Stamina Fruit 2, and Din’s Fire 3 really helps out. I had a crappy weapon, but a decent strategy helped. While the above video helps, for a few more details, I made sure to try to fight in crowded areas. When the fight began, I ran straight towards the fair fountain (your base) and took that east base. As soon as I had it, I could fight Wizzro with the first messenger nearby. I used a combination of abusing the weak point gauge and special attacks. When Volga attacks, I met him at the east base and used the same strategy, though occasionally using a quick B+B+B attack on him and dodging away. He felt the most dangerous in terms of avoiding attacks. Then I ran south to blow through my special attack gauge on the rogue leader.
Once the gates were open, I ran back to the fairy fountain, took the west base, and again fought Ghirahim in that east base. For him, I also made use of the B+B+Y combo. If you have a little distance between you and him, you can juggle him for awhile while building your special on the other nearby mobs. I choose dodging more than guarding for the most part because you need to get away from his wider attacks.
With Ghirahim gone, I went in to save the fountain plus grind a few more mobs till I was around 1100 kills (you need 1200+ for the rank A). I ran to the final commander. What’s nice about him is that he has a stamina jar in his lair. This is the boss I really save my magic for because its flying ability can really help it avoid your combos and sneak in an attack. I blew my specials on it till I had it in a good position in a corner, then used my magic to pound on it, grabbed the stamina jar, and finished it off. My first attempt with this strategy was 4 seconds too long, but the second attempt was much better, and I ended the mission at level 50, so you don’t really need to grind a lot for this.
H12- Lana’s Rank 3 staff. Requires search and rank A.
H14- Fi’s Rank 3 sword. Requires search and rank A.
H15- Midna’s Rank 3 Shackles. Requires search and rank A.
The post Hyrule Warriors Adventure Mode Map Guide appeared first on JunkiesNation.